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Don’t Run Out of Gas In Your RV

Meagan Butler

A few years ago, Pat and I were out in our first RV headed to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. We didn’t stop for gas when we passed through one of the little South Dakota towns because of the nonexistent maneuverability in and out of the gas station. Later, while we were cruising up one of the steeper passes into Custer, we watched with fear as the gas needle dropped. We aren’t usually people who let our gas run low, but towing an RV makes gas consumption different than driving under normal conditions. When we hit the top of the pass, we knew we weren’t going to make it into Custer without running out of gas. Thankfully, our RV had gas on board, and our truck was still our older truck, an unleaded truck, so we could add a few gallons into the tank and make it to the next gas station. We could have avoided our gas dilemma if we knew the gas station we bypassed wasn’t an RV friendly stop. We would have stopped for gas long before we were in dire circumstances. Since that experience, we vowed never to put ourselves into that position again. We needed something that could tell us the location of the RV friendly gas stations. If we have to stop and refill at a half a tank because gas stations aren’t available for some time, then we will stop and fill up. How do we do this? We use The Next Exit. There are always new apps and exciting gadgets being developed to help RVers drive safely. Gadgets can be pricey. The book The Next Exit costs 17.95 and tells drivers what is available at every exit along US interstates. Drivers can quickly reference where to find gas stations, rest areas, food, and accommodations. All RV friendly stops are colored red. Be aware that a listing that isn’t red doesn’t necessarily mean that an RV won’t work for that particular stop, but, a driver might have trouble maneuvering in and out of those locations. We are currently using our second copy of The Next Exit. We always update and buy the newest editions when they are released. It’s an inexpensive purchase, but a purchase that every RVer needs.

* Note: The Next Exit NOW has a mobile version. Visit the website for more information. The Next Exit

(This is not a paid post. We just love the book)!


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